Business Engagement Event
As well as visiting residents and traders along the route of the event, FCC will host a Business Engagement Event, in partnership with the Business Support Team at DCSDC in the Bishops Gate Hotel on 13th June at 11am. This will give retailers and traders the opportunity to ask questions and have their queries answered.
Please find the routes and some useful information from the organisers here.
Should you have any questions or concerns they would encourage you to contact them directly.
Event Trading
We welcome traders and retailers both local and visiting to attend this event. Wether you have a bricks and mortar established retail outlet in the city or are a young start up we would like to offer the opportunity to any business to benefit form this event. We would especially like to see stalls etc on the focal points of the course i.e. Chapel Road and the climb on Fincairn Road.
Derry City and Strabane District council can provide the temporary trading license required to trade at this event. Please contact the licensing team by email here.
Criteria required to obtain this license is available here.